Chord Builder Quiz

How well do you know your chords? Match the chords with the appropriate notes and test your chord building knowledge.


#1. What notes are in a D Diminished chord?

#2. What notes are in a B Minor chord?

#3. What notes are in a G Diminished chord?

#4. What notes are in a G Minor chord?

#5. What notes are in a D Major chord?

#6. What notes are in an E Major chord?

#7. What notes are in a C Minor chord?

#8. What notes are in an F Minor chord?

#9. What notes are in an A Major chord?

#10. What notes are in an A Diminished chord?



You Passed! Great job.

Now test your skills by combining the major scale and chords in ourĀ Major Scale Chords quiz.

Looks like we could do a little better. Have you checked out our video on Building Chords?

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